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"Homeless, But With a Clean Slate" - Karen Bishop - May 24, 2009

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I Have A Dream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-30-09 02:25 AM
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"Homeless, But With a Clean Slate" - Karen Bishop - May 24, 2009
Homeless, But With a Clean Slate
Karen Bishop
May 24, 2009


While almost fully removed from our old realities in so many ways, feeling homeless is perhaps now our only option, even if we may not know why. Perhaps wandering around with no clear sense of “home” quite yet, we might not know where we belong, or even what we will be doing next…even though at some level we know very well that something very new is on the very near horizon.

Even though we have let go of so much in recent months, weeks, and days, we are still waiting for the final pieces to fall into place before our new reality can manifest in its entirety. Many new energies in the form of individuals and the like, have recently moved into our old spaces, taking over our old roles, as we leave our imprints behind, allowing something or someone very new to take their place. Thus, every new energy arriving to take our place, for every one of us who is relocating to another reality and experience, must be in place before we can experience our intended freedom and release from the old world. Each and every piece must be in place and ready.

It is these final steps that must be completed before we experience the dramatic anchoring in of our new energies to our very new world and reality on June 21st. And know as well, that there is always a window of energy around any specific date…the solstice is simply the signal that it is finally time, as it will serve to use its natural energy as a source of support and ignition for this magnificent event.

The solstice of June 2008 served to knock us out of our old grooves and old roles, and many felt this as a severe trauma, with energies that were very challenging and difficult to handle. But this time, the energies of the impending solstice of June 2009 will serve to create just the opposite. We will instead, be grabbed and pulled downward, as we officially become the rightful stewards of our beautiful planet Earth. It will be all about grounding.

If you are one who is complete with your letting go process, you may feel like you are “waiting” in a state of limbo, just hanging out who knows where with no connection to much of anything. And yet others are still in the process of allowing these final pieces to fall into place, before any decisions can be made in regard to possible future plans. In this way, there is a sense within many that we are very “done,” that something very new and exciting is about to manifest, that a very new life is about to unfold, and that perhaps we are lost right now, with no home to fall into for a sense of comfort, familiarity, or good night’s rest.

This time is like no other, as it is a gift that we will rarely have an opportunity to experience in our lifetimes. We will look back on it in times to come, with feelings of magic and wonder, as we will come to know that we were smack in the middle of a dramatic birthing process, now embodying a very clean slate, as much of everything has been wiped clean for a very fresh start. Nothing will ever be the same again.

In this way, it can be a good time to search our heart of hearts, looking for what it is that we really and truly desire. Getting down to the nitty gritty, going deep, and really taking a hard look at what we now want is vitally important now, as we will most assuredly receive it in times to come, as we are starting fresh and new, in a very new reality, with a very new purpose.

Are you still doing what you think you “should” be doing? Do you finally realize that you can soon do whatever you want? If you had several million dollars, and all your needs were always met, what would you create and what would your life look like? Who would be in it? What would you be doing? Finding yourself fully removed from the old world and its limitations, what would your newfound freedom feel like and how would it manifest?

While allowing for these final pieces to fall into place, it is near impossible to make any kind of decision. During the past few weeks, in many ways, we have been experiencing what I have referred to for many years as the “stop sign” energy. This energy always arrives when we are in a great transition. It serves to prohibit us from moving forward, and has a frustrating by-product of not allowing much of anything to manifest, even in regard to the simplest of projects or creations. So even though there are very dramatic manifestations or pieces coming together for us at very deep and high levels, we are still experiencing the stop sign energy, for very good reason.

If we attempt to create something before all the pieces are in place, and before everything has shown up for us, we would most likely have to undo much. In this way, we are being protected, as always. So it is always best, if possible, to simply trust that everything is in divine and perfect order.

Even though we may find ourselves wandering here and wandering there, with no particular home quite yet, our perfect homes, store-fronts, partners, and places on the earth will arrive in due time, and believe me, they will be worth the wait!

With much love and gratitude,

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I Have A Dream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-30-09 02:28 AM
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1. The following book excerpt was included in the E-mail notification...
From The Ascension Companion:

WILLINGNESS IS DIFFERENT from acceptance and allowing.
It is not as passive or receptive. By being willing, we are telling
the Universe that we are very ready. It is much more purposeful
and intentional. We are much more in charge.

I had a friend a few years ago, who at age 65, was really going
through her ascension paces. It's a wonder she didn't pass away
with all the health situations she was experiencing. She explained
to me that she believed that by being willing, she created a
summoning for a more rapid process of spiritual growth. She
believed that she had summoned this process willingly, as she
was very dedicated to her spiritual growth.

While accepting and allowing the ascension process to occur,
creates a much more relaxed physical vessel for all the New and
higher vibrating energies to come through, willingness can
actually begin the process, or be the precursor for the next stage
to arrive for us. By being willing to experience a New energy or
way of being, these occurrences, then, will arrive much more
frequently. It is almost as if we are agreeing to be a guinea pig for
the higher ways, in order to pave the way for others to follow.
Willingness says, "I am ready to move forward with complete
certainly." Willingness says, "Let's roll." Willingness lets us
decide when we are ready for the next step. Loss is more of a
situation that seems out of our seem most of the
ascension symptoms and experiences. The ascension process
seems to have a mind of its own...never mind what we want or
believe! Even though this is not the case, being willing can help
us to feel more at the helm.

When we are willing, we place ourselves into a space where we
are basically saying that we remember. We remember why we
are here during this particular time on Earth. We remember that
we agreed to participate in this amazing and one-of-a-kind
experience of raising our vibrations and the vibrations of the
planet through physical form. We remember that we agreed that
we would start over, with a very New beginning, and in order to
do that we agreed to transmute any darker and lower vibrating
energies. By being willing, we are stepping more fully into the
shoes of our soul plan. We are more in alignment with it. We are
then working together with our souls as a team. We are not
acting like victims who are having a non-voluntary experience.
We volunteered...remember?

By being willing, we can take over our ascension process,
instead of letting it take over us. If you have chosen this page,
you are being reminded that you are actually at the helm, even
though you may not feel this is the case. Willingness will bring
on more of an intentional ascension experience. It tells the
Universe that we are ready for the next step, even though we do
not know what it will be. It tells the Universe that we trust in the
process that is unfolding before us. It is more than getting out of
the way and allowing Source to do what it needs to do. It puts us
in a better partnership as co-creators with Source and reminds
us that our souls know exactly what they are doing.

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