Numerology is an ancient science of numbers. Every letter converts to a number. It is a tool to tap into, plug into the flow of natural energies. Seven is the number of completing a process. A process of the completing the bombing in London today occurred. Today: July=7 Day=7 and 2005 added up is a "7". A tripple "7" is today's energy flow.
In the infinate synchronicity of All That Is,...nothing happens by accident. Whom Bush and Blair call "terrorists", in reality are freedom, resistance fighters most likely from Afhganistan or Iraq. Mind controlled Americans are brain washed to call hem "insurgents", yet wake up and remember whom invaded unlawfully, two sovereign nations.
Sadly, our men and women, thinking they are serving their Country, are really serving Bush/Blair and their puppet masters. Less than a week before Memorial Day, May 25th U.S. officials celebrated the completion of the first section of a 1,100 mile U.S. -backed pipeline bringing Caspian Sea Oil to Western markets. It was a "pipedream" come true after years of denial from a Clinton Administration who prevented American businessmen from doing
business with terrorist regimes. now has its Vietnam II and III (Iraq). We are the terrorists to those whom now attack U.S. and London. Like attracts Like. When we allow Bush to be a terrorist, like will be attracted back. Bush/Blair should be up for war crimes for using radioactive DU shells against Afhganistan and Iraq and OUR soldiers whom are breathing those radioactive ceramic micro particles! Love will attract Love and Peace. It is time to use our Anger positively ( as a fuel for change) and demand that this Bush/Blair and their
puppet master's madness be stopped. " History is proven time and time again that when the warmongers (Bush/Blair) lose the mob (society), war comes to an abrupt end. Spread the word, peace is patriotic, bring our troops home now.