Edited on Tue Jul-28-09 02:42 PM by get the red out
And I feel better for it. I am still at war with my need to know what is going on in the political world, but I started getting so upset over everything, wanting to right all the wrongs; something told me to take a break. I came back over to ASAH to catch up over here, but haven't drug my emotions through the rest of DU since Saturday. After spending Monday without any politics or news viewing (during my boring work day), on the way home yesterday I literally heard/felt "the voice" say "If you keep doing this you will hear me better". I took that to mean if I work on un-cluttering my head and emotions with horrible, upsetting things I can't do anything about I may be able to hear guides/source/higher self better.
It is a struggle for me, I have always taken gigantic pride in being totally informed, I am sure I will go back to looking a politics and news since it is how I am geared at this point in life, but I want to de-clutter from the emotional overload of things I can't change. I zapped myself to the point last week that I didn't quite know how to get the excess adrenaline out of my body, and it was a miserable feeling.
lildreamer, there must be something going around with this, LOL! Give yourself permission to take a break and take care of yourself. Our nerves can only stand so much, I am discovering, then we can't take the action that is right in front of us. Sigh, hopefully I am finally starting to "get it".
Love everyone bunches over here in ASAH! GTRO ;-)