The Little Method: It is called a mind map by some and mind hooks by others. All it truly is, is a way to help you stay focused long enough for the body to go to sleep and the mind to stay awake. Before you start: You need to pick a "Little" route from your sleeping area to the outside of your house. You will also need a route or tool picked out once you get outside that you will use as your "gate". You can use doors, openings, steps that go up or steps that go down to any kind of an entrance. The ancients also used holes, caves, springs and the roots of large old trees as their "gates" or tools. Alice in Wonderland was a great example of astral projections via a rabbit hole or again by using a mirror. (more examples) : I have also used a large balloon for people to sit inside and ride in once they got outside the house. Once I took a group out on a "flying carpet" that was my old living room rug and once we used a living room couch to mentally picture we were flying on during a lucid dream when we got to meet up. Those are all tools to keep a group together is why I used them. If you use a balloon or other tool like a carpet or even an airplane to help you project deeper then you will want to pass through either fog or clouds and come down to an island for the best results. Pay attention to the rocks, the plants, the color and perhaps even a design on your balloon etc as all are important and are showing themselves to you. I myself prefer the ancients routes..and I tend to favor old tree stump roots. You must walk this "Little" route inside your home a few times physically and stop at each point you have chosen. You will chose 4 points. Memorize what each point along your route looks like so you can see the points you chose clearly in your mind's eye. It may help you if you pick out something you never noticed before..like a little nail hole in the wall or a scuff mark. It can also help you to bring those points clearly into your mind's eye if you place a sticker or a scent or even both at each of your four points. Don't worry about a route once you actually get out..all you have to do is look for a path and you will find it. You start with doing some chakra clearing meditations as you are laying down....start with the base chakra and go to the crown chakra. Go back mentally to your feet and starting there..relax the muscles going up the body. For example say to your toes..."toes..relax" ..when you say toes...you tighten the muscles..and when you say "relax", you consciously relax those muscles and so on up the body. Once you get to this point, begin to clearly picture each one of your four points in your "little" route from your bed to your door. It is your focus and one pointed Intent that will get you out. It is your focus and your one-pointed Intent to find your Totem that will open the way. Follow the path you will find outside your door and go into/through the outside route you have chosen. Keep watching for a path as well as keep your mind on your Intent to find your Totem. If you lose your one pointedness and your intent fades, you will just go into a deep and restful sleep or snap back to your body. If you keep your Intent strong and your one-pointedness focused, you will find you are just as much *there as you are *here now. It is that real of a feeling when you are fully projected. Your Totem will show itself to you in four ways. ie..up close, from the side, from behind..maybe just a close up of the eyes or maybe you will find yourself riding your Totem back to your body or playing and running with it. You may even shapeshift to it. It may sing to you or speak to you and it will do something to show you it is of Power and not ordinary. Once you find your Totem, bring it back with you to your physical body by simply inviting it and putting your arms around it and retracing your steps. Just by thinking of returning or thinking of your body will cause you to return Any disturbance to your physical body will snap you right back if you are out of body..it can be nauseating and very jolting to be snapped back so pick a time you will not be disturbed and be sure to turn off the phone as well. If you are a bit frightened about the thought of being out of body, just practice the "Little" route for a while without going outside and you will eventually find yourself out one night (if your intent and one-pointedness are strong) but you will be close by your body and in a familiar place so you wont be so frightened. You can get right back into your body just by wanting to. Later you will realize that it takes much more focus to get out than to get back. You will find out that it is very hard to stay out of body and if you get too close to your physical body you will tend to snap back into your physical body. If you ever find yourself stuck and having trouble moving..just forget about moving and try to picture how you feel inside your body. Just focus on feeling your fingertips and toes and you will soon be fully back. We all leave our bodies every night when we dream and travel the inner planes of the universal mind. A true astral projector/shaman learns to do this consciously and with control and that is the only difference. The only difference of conscious astral projection and lucid dreaming is just that you are doing one consciously from a wide awake state and in lucid dreaming you are waking up to being already projected out of the physical body and into the astral dreaming body.... It is tons of fun so I wish you good luck and good dreaming....:)