yacon, which we tried raw dressed in lemon juice and honey.
sunchokes, which seem to be the happiest of my root crops this year, I'm so lost on whether or not to keep them contained in their little barrel next year or let them take over the meadow. Part of me wants the food security, the knowledge that we will always have that supply of roots to gnaw on (along with other permacrops, fruit trees and bushes, asparagus in the back meadow). And part of me is afraid they will take over the entire lawn, I just don't know what to expect. I know they are surprisingly delicious and melty inside when roasted in olive oil and salt.
Sweet potatoes, sad little crop, not sure that I harvested much more than I planted, but those also are tasty so it's hard to resent them.
Otherwise, I've been drying persimmons and have a freezer full of persimmon oatmeal cookies. I've tried beet bread for the first time ever. I canned my first food ever this year, I am afraid to keep the jars at room temp because dang no matter what I did, after pressure canning I see air bubbles on the sides of the jar, so the fridge is filled with applesauce, tomatillo salsa, rhubarb jam and cherry preserves.
The husband announced he will no longer be eating sandwiches with lunchmeat, as he has done every workday since 1989. Now he would like crunchy peanut butter and the cherry preserves every day. They are like crack, those sour cherries.