I've seen things made from hypertufa, but never considered making them myself. Just curious if
anyone here has any experience with it?
If you aren't familiar with it, Hypertufa is a crafting material that looks like stone but is lightweight, and works great for all kinds of utilitarian and ornamental things for the garden like stepping stones, plant containers, decorative fountains, birdbaths, garden furniture and sculptures, etc.
And different 'recipes' create different effects and possibilities. Usually the recipes include some combination of portland cement, sand, peat, aggregates and vermiculite. Depending on the mix they can be harder or softer, porous or dense and can be molded, carved and free-formed.
Fun huh!
Here are some instructive sites:
http://www.timpyworks.com/pamphlets/hypertufa-101/101.htmlhttp://www.efildoog-nz.com/hypertufa.htmhttp://www.hypertufahowto.com/http://www.the-artistic-garden.com/hypertufa.htmlhttp://gardening.about.com/od/craftsanddecor/a/Hypertufa.htmhttp://www.hypertufanews.com/Reliable_and_Time-tested_Hypertufa_Recipes.htmlYouTube (this site has several videos on various hypertufa projects)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WHSPLWtgTAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcRJ2XbPA3ISome books:
* Hypertufa e-book:
http://www.hypertufabooks.com/'The Well-Decorated Garden: Making Outdoor Ornaments and Accents.' Laura Dover Doran
'Decorate Your Garden' Pat Ross
'Making Concrete Garden Ornaments' Sherri Warner Hunter
And a list on Amazon: