This is a great site for organic gardening. I ordered their "Companion Planting Garden Wheel", as I wanted to try to grow a variety of fruits, veggies, herbs, edible flowers, as well as ornamentals. I'm trying to get the most bang for the buck in a small yard, and do not use any chemicals.
This wheel is amazing. It's laminated, has a movable wheel front and back and lists plants which can/cannot be planted together. It's a great reference (especially for beginners) and can be carried out to the garden for ready reference. There are 3 other wheels available, which I am going to order as soon as I get my tax rebate.
Here's the link, with pictures of the wheels. Happy gardening! forgot: I have 6 blueberry bushes, 2 thornless blackberries, 3 thornless raspberries, 2 pink seedless grapes,, 4 kiwi vines, and a large strawberry container garden.
I planted the blackberries and raspberries in 1/2 whiskey barrels placed against a 6 ft. privacy fence to keep them from taking over the yard. The kiwis are also trained against the fence. I'll be planting Dahlias along the fences,too.
Will be planting tomatoes, potatoes, salad garden, herbs, melons, squash, and pumpkins this week (all raised square foot beds). I'm still waiting for the dwarf cherries to arrive so I can get them in the ground before it gets too hot here (I'm in the SC lowcountry). As for ornamentals, I'm planting flowers, trees, and shrubs that will attract bees, butterflies, and song birds. Hopefully, by the time I'm done, I'll have both yards covered in edibles and ornamentals, with a cover crop of clover. I am sooo done with grass! Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed! I'm either going to have the best small space garden in SC or the biggest mess you ever saw!