Someone very kind donated a star for me, so now I can post this here as well. Thanks in advance for any help.
I'm too poor to donate, so can't post in the Gardening Group, but I can't sleep for wondering about a few things.
Today I did a half-ass survey/harvest of my meager garden before the expected first frost. I harvested about 8 pounds of sweet potatoes and a handful of purple potatoes, some flat-leaf parsley, a little dill, blah blah blah.
The sweet potatoes are the first I've managed to grow well and I was so happy to dig those fat babies out of the ground. This summer was perfect for them, but I also used actual plants rather than the slips they sell at the coop. What I'm wondering is, can I make my own slips? The vines have almost taken over the garden and latched into the earth with little slips all over. Do I pull those and put them in a cool place? Anyone made slips and over-wintered them?
Second question: I have a real tall "tipi" in the center of the garden just overgrown with a combo of scarlet runner beans and heavenly blue morning glory (which are just stunning but they just started flowering right before frost dang it!) There are beans all over the beanstalks, and I'm wondering about the secret to saving thsoe beans to plant next year. Should I let them dry on the vines, even if it frosts? How do I know if the beans are at the stage where the seed will germinate?
Anyhoo, still have lots of peppers out there, a little kale, oregano, basil. I hate first frost!
Hope all are well here.
Thanks for any help any can give.