Every year I plant my vegetable garden on Memorial Day Weekend, about the best time in NJ to be certain we are free of frost. Last year, for the first time, a ground hog ate almost everything as soon as I planted it. So, I went out and bought 4x4 landscape ties, laid them around the garden, put up a wire 3 foot high bunny fence and replanted. But Mother Groundhog pushed the fence away from the posts and found her way in and ate it again. Knowing this was war, I then reinforced the fence and kept her out, or so I thought, until one day in August when the plants were just beginning to bear edible veggies and Ma Groundhog not only returned, but brought two of her little ones with her. High, strong fence? No problem - she dug under it.
So this year I lined the 4x4 border with big rocks so she cannot dig under into the garden. I am waiting to see what additional tricks she might have up her sleeves (err, paws) and will report back on the progress of this battle.
I don't want to harm her or her umm, dunno what you call baby groundhogs, but I won't surrender!!