I'd look around online --Google or something-- to find an illustrated version of this since my description skills ain't so hot...
I'm assuming you've cut bottom branches out so you have a coupla clear feet of trunk to work with. Start on the side you want it to fall to. Make a slanting cut (at an angle just slightly more acute than 45 degrees) upward from the side to just past the center line. The end of the cut should be where you want the top of the stump or about a foot above the ground (for a 4" trunk), whichever is higher. Then make another slanting cut downward to almost (not quite!) meet that cut. (So the chunk of wood is still in there.)
Now from the OTHER side (the side you don't want it to fall to,) make a STRAIGHT cut (parallel to the ground) just above the end of the first (longer, remember?) upward-slanting cut but (again) NOT meeting it.
NOW go back and connect the two slanting cuts by finishing the downward cut. You can gently push against the trunk in the direction you don't want it to fall to "open" the cuts a bit if needed. When the cuts are connected, push gently back, "opening" the cuts, and whack the v-shaped plug out, and let go and it should fall very nicely just where you want it. Cut the stump off wherever you need to.
Like I said, an illustrated version of this will probably be much more helpful. Google "cutting small trees" or something like that.
informatively, Bright