Edited on Sun Sep-16-07 09:06 PM by Ecumenist
is even dug is 11000.00!!! 7500 is JUST FOR THE PERMITS to get started and what we would have had to obtain IF WE WOULD HAVE PURPOSELY DESTROYED THE STREAMBED. I've already looked up the cultivars that would work best in southwestern Tehama county, so I'm alright with that. What we're bound and determined to do is try to plant, as much as it's possible, natives, whether regional or local. I already consulted with a native plant restorationist at Chico State and she's signed on to help me make the right choices for the parcel. I'm just so pissed Gormy, to have to pay what looks like will probably add up somewhere between 40 and 60, 000.00!! I swear, I'm going to get that idiot to pay up if I have to sell his kids into indentured Servitude.
I know that Desert Williow has a native range in Southern and the Eastern regions of California. It looks like the climes in the northern Sacramento Valley can support it's growth. I just adore that tree and hope that I can grow it in that area.