Spring always wins against winter. My father used to say that in the spring..starting in January, that each day has one minute more of daylight...and although not scientific...ha, it has always seemed to be true.....and because of it, spring always wins against winter. When winter seems to hang on, I like to keep track of daylight...even keeping track of it for 2 wks does give you that most definite encouragement that it is coming....a little bit each day. i planted tomato seeds today...and every day the sun is shining, I will take the little babes out for the afternoon and set them in the sun. We do not get snow here (southern coastal Georgia) but we do get frost through March or early april....after that it is just hot. in anticipation, I built yesterday a scarecrow lady for my garden....which was soooooo much fun to do and to give me something to do while waiting to actually plant in my garden. I named scarecrow lady "crow nella" or "crone ella" either spelling is fun. Anyway, spring WILL come. Also, I am about done building my chicken coop and chicken run in the back of my yard...lot of work, but it also gives great anticipatory hope that spring will soon be here.