It's really the main landscaping feature in my backyard now so I didn't think that the $125 was bad, and it actually DID go together really easily in about an hour!
They also have little corner things you can purchase to attach your own (untreated) wood to make the beds yourself but I'm SOOO not the shop class person that I ordered the pre-fab snap-together thingee:,default,pd.html?SC=XNET8419I got mine in Feb and it took almost a month to set it up, put the stakes and string (to make grids) and fill it with soil etc, (although I did it all myself, bags of soil compenents a little at a time every day in my little station wagon!)
It also took longer than I thought to set up AROUND the beds as I wanted landscape fabric, sand, stepping stones and no weeding and no weeds will be creeping in!
Here's how mine looked a couple of weeks ago, since then the herbs & letuce have been filling in on the blank squares here: