Things are coming up. In the lower row we have red onions first and then six short rows of carrots before the potatoes. Past them, and out of sight of the camera are the radishes, rosemary, and finally the garlic.
The middle row starts with white onions and then the sugar snap peas that are just beginning to climb the wire mesh. That row remains empty to the end for now but its probably got either okra or limas coming after it warms up enough. There is also a chance of corn. We have been successful at growing several closely spaced rows of it in our narrow garden sectons. The ears fill out and its enough for just the two of us. Might do it again this year, might not.
The top row has broccoli down at the far end and yellow onions at the other, not a thing in between yet other that a few volunteer celery plants. We grew tomatoes up there last year so it is a likely candidate for beans this year - still not sure.
Things move along.