I am pretty sure the beans sprouts are getting eaten by sow bugs. I put down diatomaceous earth and thought I had it under control, but the recent sprouts are coming up damaged. Sow bugs are not usually a pest, but in large numbers, they can damage small plants. I had large numbers.
My cuke sprouts were munched, too, but by something different. After losing the first round of direct sowed plants, I bought a flat of larger plants from the garden store hoping that the large size would give them some immunity to whatever was eating them. No dice, they are gone now too. The beets and melons have been eaten down to the ground repeatedly as well. I have checked for bugs, but never see anything on the plants. Put out beer for slugs, but didn't get any, so I don't think that is the problem. :banghead:
I am having a modest pest problem with the peppers, a little more with the basil but both are surviving. Never had any problem with either of those in the past. Lettuce, kale, broccoli and tomatoes are great.
I have never grown beans or cukes before, but I was lead to believe that they would not be a huge challenge. I had good luck with tomatoes and lettuce in the past, so I figured adding new veggies to my repertoire would be no problem. I built nice supports, ordered seeds and planted. But no luck :cry:
I soaked the surviving bean sprouts with neem and dusted again with diatomaceous earth today. I am starting cukes in a tray on the deck and hope to give them another go in the big garden in a few weeks. But I am getting discouraged. Why the huge problems this year? I rotate crops every year, so that is not the problem. I mixed lots of nice worm and yard compost and some kelp meal into my beds in the spring, just like always. I have been watering on an appropriate schedule. The plants should be lovely and strong by this point in the year. But they are not. They are ragged, stunted and chewed. So why why why all the issues this year after never a serious problem in the past? :crazy: