It's been about a year now since I became a skeptic and an atheist for good. During my "conversion", 3 things influenced my way of thinking more than any others: One was Dawkin's
The God Delusion; another was Brian Greene's
History of Nearly Everything. While the first two have had the greatest impact on my thinking about science and religion, the third - the podcast "The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe" - has had the most influence about how I think about DU.
Specifically, through that podcast I was reintroduced to the concept of logical thinking and logical fallacies. Just as my newfound atheism opened my eyes to the thousands of everyday ways that religious dogma influences our lives, so the podcast opened my eyes to the fact that most - nearly all, I think - of the arguments made on DU are not remotely based on logic thinking. Straw men and ad hominem attacks abound, and all of the other logical fallacies on
this list can be found in almost every thread and thread title. Worse, it seems that the only time these logical fallacies are recognized are when they are used against a particular candidate (ANY candidate) - and the response to them are more logical fallacies. These types of arguments are used by the supporters of all candidates and all arguments pretty much equally. It's as depressing to me to see as when I see religious dogma infecting our everyday lives.
At first, I tried to calmly present logical arguments. I tried to avoid the ad hominem attacks and snark that I see all over DU everyday. Sometimes I hoped that I was successful when my post killed a thread; perhaps my argument was so good that there was simply no good response left(:rofl:). Most of the time, however, I found that the more calm and logically sound was my argument, the more I was ignored.
So here's the thing: My response to this fact was to become part of the problem rather than part of the solution. I find that I'm reluctant to post anything until I get
so pissed off about something that I post with snark and venom rather than calm, logical arguments. In the process, my DU persona has diverged even more from my real personality than it ever has before. In real life, I'm a nice guy, I rarely say a negative word about anyone, and because of that I am really well-liked and trusted. On DU, I've become an asshole, one of the many. I don't like this change in me almost as much as I don't like the type of thinking that I see on DU daily.
I really need a break from this place. I tried to take one last week, but it's so difficult; there really is no place like this on the internet. Ideally, I'd love to find someplace as active as this where the issues were debated based on the rules of logic. Until I find it, I've realized that is really, really hard to maintain a logical stance in an illogical, snarky world.