The 23-Cent LIFE-SAVER
Heart Surgeons NEVER
The astonishing health miracle
1.5 million grateful patients swear by...
So safe, it's FDA-APPROVED for use in baby food: Proven THREE TIMES SAFER than aspirin—used worldwide for 56 years without any significant side-effects ever reported!
So effective, you can actually SEE it working: medical studies prove it works and U.S. doctors prescribe it every day!
So cheap, it's JUST PENNIES A DAY: Just 23 cents per capsule—one-tenth the cost of a gallon of gas!
24 hours ago, this white powder was PLAQUE blocking an artery...
…and exposing a human being to the very real risk of a serious blockage of blood flow to the heart or brain.
Blocked Arteries Destroy Hearts, Brains and LIVES!
According to the U.S. government, one in every 300 Americans will be killed by a blocked artery in 2007.
Every 34 seconds an American dies as the result of a blocked cardiac artery.
As an American, there's a 90 percent chance that poor circulation will trigger a serious health problem at some point in your life.
More than 6.8 million Americans undergo heart bypass, balloon angioplasty and other circulation-related procedures each year.
700,000 Americans will suffer a sudden blockage of blood flow to the brain in 2007—83 every hour of the day.
CHELATION therapy has been conclusively shown to be up to 82 PERCENT EFFECTIVE at dissolving the plaque that blocks arteries!|1495974581&gclid=CPrxpdriv5ECFQmgGgodUnmgDA
I found this when I opened my gmail tonight. How the fuck can such a blatantly dishonest advertisement be allowed on google?!
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: