...math, electronics, and computer technology lets me sit behind a keyboard in Egypt and instantly watch a video...
...and THIS is what I get?
I'm feeling cranky tonight anyway, partly because of a tough work week.
But after hearing this ignoramus, I'm ready to come back to the U.S. and open up Camp Jesus.
My crankiness is also partly inspired by reading too many whines about how the Evil Atheists would persecute Xians if they got the chance. (I even see variations on that theme in DU.)
Camp Jesus will be located on the patch of America that most closely resembles the Holy Land--the Nevada desert. It will be an invitation-only luxury resort. But certainly open to anyone who, like that doofus above, shoves their face into a public forum and stirs up hate against people who don't share their particular religious delusions.
So that the inmat...er, guests can more deeply appreciate Biblical times, they will live EXACTLY as Their Lord And Saviour did 2,000 years ago. None of those evil scientific influences. No in-home electricity (developed by the atheist Thomas Edison, by the way). No cars. No La-Z-Boy recliners. Indoor plumbing? Sorry, the pagan Romans had that, so you wouldn't want it anyway.
Daily food rations will consist of 5 loaves and 5 fishes. Need more? You know what to do. The answer is right there in the Buy-bull, as you bloviating asshats always like to remind us.
And don't even think of asking for modern medicines. They must be evil, since they prolong human life instead of letting it end at its natural time.
This will really suck for your babies, but you can console yourselves with visions of the little nippers' souls floating up to Heaven on angel wings, just like in that popular TV show a few years ago. Unless you're a strict Augustinian, of course, in which case you can visualize them frying in the fires of Hell like so many little Doritos.