It starts with film critic Roger Moore's review of an
Expelled pre-release screening. Interesting note on that, similar to the P.Z. Meyers flap: the producers made it clear that they wanted a "friendly" pre-release audience of religious believers and ID proponents.
When they realized they had screwed up and invited an actual member of the secular press, they tried to un-invite Moore. When he showed up anyway with notebook in hand and identified himself as a working journalist, they tried to make him sign a Confidentiality Agreement, which Moore refused to do. (A MOVIE CRITIC watching a movie is not supposed to write about it? WTF?)
And when all that failed--I bet you can predict this, even without your PsYkiK Powers--they accused Moore of lying and sneaking into the preview under false pretenses! Just as they did with Meyers.
The comments after Moore's article are worth reading all the way thru. Especially Dave Edwards' righteous smackdown of ID, one of the best short summaries I have ever read:
The assorted charlatans and fraudsters who hawk the various speciation variants of creationism, on the other hand, do NO experimental work, submit NO results to peer reviewed mainstream scientific journals, instead they spend their time and their large budgets engaging in bad apologetics founded upon theological pornogrpahy and rampant proselytising for an assertion-laden, evidence-free doctrine that is replete with scientific illiteracy, errors that can be spotted even by reasonably well-educated schoolchildren (at least those here in Europe) and in some instances, outright fabrications and falsehoods.
Yes, science has a bias. It's biased in favour of REALITY. It's biased in favour of RIGOROUS INTELLECTUAL LABOUR over charlatanism. It's biased in favour of HARD WORK over intellectual indolence. It's biased in favour of what is DEMONSTRABLE IN ACCORD WITH OBSERVATIONAL REALITY over and above evidence-free assertion, presupposition and rampant fantasising. Creationists, live with it.Later, Edwards tangles with an ID-iot and posts 11 of their fave "canards" with rebuttals. Great stuff!