What is quite evident is that you are making more and more claims, and never backing a single one of them up. Declare something true, move on. It is singularily unconvincing.
Does the previous sentence look familiar to you? It should, because after you claimed that smiling was proof of your previous claims, I showed why it really wasn't good enough. Your response? To claim that western medicine was not looking for the cause of disease. My response included telling you that your habit of making a claim, doing nothing to show that it is correct, giving no reasons, and then responding to accusations of doing the same was unconvincing.
I said that no matter how many claims you make, it will never convince me unless you show some indication that these claims are correct. Arguments as to why they are right and such.
In fact, your propensity to do so is quite annoying. So, how did you respond to the argument against your latest claims?
Did you back up what you had said? Show why they are at least reasonable? Or even possible?
No, you made more claims. Sigh.
Going over them, you say that you find my standards of proof inadequate. Please provide an example, even a hypothetical, where the truth is not known and my standards will not lead a person to what is most likely the correct answer.
"However, when it comes to 'promoting' the status quo in western medicine, I get concerned that you and your pals here, are being less than progressive."
Ok, now you go over what bits of the status quo were are promoting (note: American system of finance in medicine is not supported here, rigorous testing of products and procedures that cure to see that they actually do so is) and show why it is wrong to do so.
No, you don't get to claim that progressives support a particular side and therefore it is wrong to do so. (Well, except for the financing thing which is fairly clean cut)
What you do get to do, however, is provide an argument why doing something or other causes hurt. No, you don't get to claim we reject things because we are closed minded unless there is proof for something and we still reject it.
Eh, I'm bored. Time to put your quotes together and let you work out what I am saying.
You: "You really should get in touch with your intuitive side because that belief (that a lack of trees heals people) has some merit. A few years ago, one of your vaunted social scientists, published a study showing that urban neighborhoods with trees and green space had lower crime rates"
Me: Correlation is worthless. Please look that up before posting more studies.
You: "No need to be rude. If I were "posting a study", I'd probably be more comprehensive"
Of course. Silly me. The fact that you claimed that crime was similar enough to be considered an illness, then claimed that the idea that trees prevent it has merit, then it seems you accidentally mentioned a study. I say accidentally because of course you never did so. You said so yourself!
In fact, it's probably crazy-talk to even consider the idea that studies about places with more trees having less crime have anything to do with you arguing that places with more trees have less crime.
Here is some extra stuff you've managed to not answer throughout this little interchange - you know, questions about the validity of your claims. If you don't get one, please refer to it in its original context.
The question is: What was the illness? Was it cured? (In your story about the amputee) 'cos I'm not seeing anything that could be sensibly classified as an illness that was caused by suggestion. Becoming depressed when losing something to vital is normal, not an illness. Some people learn to cope, and some don't. This is also normal.
D) Your father had polio at an opportune time, and this is evidence illness is caused by suggestion?
Now, it is very interesting that you consider this evidence. Because a lot of things happened before your father became ill, but you've chosen a particular one. This is known as confirmation bias.
Actually, it might not be. Do you have any reason to suspect one particular cause over any other? If so, what?
For evidence all you need to do is gaze upon my smiling face"
And since you wanted to discuss what makes a claim rational, I'll show you the method of showing that someone's standards of proof and evidence are poor by using their standards to come to false conclusions.
Like this:
I henceforth believe that trees make us happy and heal us and lack of trees causes all illnesses.
For evidence, all you need to do is gaze upon my smiling face.
Question 1: Do you think that I provided sufficient proof that lack of trees is the root cause of all illnesses, or do I have to also make the claim that trees cause all illnesses with the same evidence for you to see that taking "someone smiling" as evidence is insufficient to support the claim?
Question 2: Is there any fundamental difference in the standard of proof and evidence used to say that lacking trees cause all illnesses and the one used to say "I believe we create our own life and death. Sufficient proof is that I smile"
In other words, your standards of proof and evidence were insufficient.
I don't think I need to point out the obvious but I shall do so anyway. You've not managed to support any of your claims thus far, unless you can show that either your stories or the fact that you have at some point smiled is evidence for what you say. This means that your claims are not rational.
"evidence is in the eye of the beholder"
Now that is interesting. Well, "wrong" would be more accurate. If a voltmeter says 30,000 Volts are running through a line, do you think that evidence is in the eye of the beholder?
However, I also note that the study you quote only shows correlation, and so cannot be taken as evidence.
You seriously think that the every single medsci department at every university along with every researcher in the entire world isn't looking for the cause of diseases because they believe things like bacteria cause infections rather than your own private crap?
"As I said in another short-lived post, I don't think photographs (including one of my own 'smiling face') enhances ones' position so forgive me if I don't give you photographic evidence."
I'm going to have to ask you to A) Not respond to "smiling is evidence for sweet freak all" with "I know smiling is evidence for whatever claims I want to make, but I don't think photos improve my position, so I won't post one"
B) Warn me before you say something that stupid. ****************************************
Let me also take a guess at the next bit of our interchange. Going over this, you will see numerous times were you have made a claim and I've questioned its validity. You will then ignore it all, and make more claims.