Despite having thought about this for a good while, I still haven't come up with a great way to articulate it, so bear with me:
I'm increasingly annoyed by the media's glorification of stupidity. I'm not just talking about 24/7 media saturation with celebrity "news" or the proliferation of increasingly mindless "reality shows," though these are indeed execrable. Instead, I'm frustrated by the role of the benevolent doofus in broadcast fiction.
The best way for me to describe this character is this:
Typically (though not quite always) the character is male The character is never evil or malicious, which may be his one redeeming quality He is usually (though not always) the main protagonist or one of several co-primary protagonists He has one or more friends who are notably smarter, better educated, or more experienced He routinely screws things up badly but comically, most often as a result of his ignorance, naivete, or flat-out stupidity He always fixes whatever it is he screwed up--but he fixes it via a further application of ignorance, naivete, or stupidity In the process of the above, he invariably shows himself to be superior to the "smarter" character(s) He seldom if ever faces consequences or lasting ridicule for screwing things up, no matter how severely Frequently, the character is praised for solving the problem that he himself caused, even when he didn't even solve it on purpose
I'm lately aware of this archetype as it appears (frequently) in children's programming, because my two young boys enjoy several shows more than others.
Gilligan is, for my forumlation, the archetype, but he's not the original. Still, every episode of the series had him solving the problem that eluded The Professor (the "smart character" archetype), and Gilligan himself usually caused the problem in the first place!
Curious George is another good example: in every episode (and in every book) he causes a catastrophe of varying severity, but in the end he achieves some sort of vaguely positive resolution, and he's roundly praised for it. This week, for instance, George toppled two dinosaur skeletons and hastily reassembled them, in the process correcting an error made by an internationally renowned paleontologist with years of experience.
The Phantom Menace offers several fine examples and in fact exemplifies Lucas' bizarre favoring of clumsy ineptitude over skill and discipline. Jar Jar manages--entirely by accident--to take out dozens of Battle Droids, even as his compatriots are fleeing for their lives. Young Anakin single-handedly destroys a massive starship--again, totally by accident.
Granted, the archetype I've described typically appears in comedies and escapist fantasy as opposed to "serious" drama, but that's not really an excuse. I can't think of a single show in the history of television in which the "smart" character was typically the hero, the problem solver, or the peacemaker. Instead, the bumbling bumpkin saves the day, while the smart character stands by and shakes his/her head with grudging admiration.
What bothers me is the subtext: the show seems to be saying "you'll do better by being stupid, trusting in your luck and innocent naivete, than you'll ever do by relying on education, wisdom, or experience." It's pernicious and widespread. I can't even think of when it started, but it certainly has clear precedents in silent films and vaudeville. Even King Lear's fool fits the mold, as does the fool who points out that the Emperor has no clothes.
In recent years, though, it seems to me that the Gilligan archetype has moved from simply being a comic character who speaks truth to power to a character whose idiocy is to be admired and emulated. Why is this? What is the appeal, other than the fact that intellectual laziness is easier than disciplined thought?
Incidentally, one can substitute "new age believer" for "the fool" while also substituting "skeptic" for "the 'smart' character;" we all know that the media love a woo-believer and hate a skeptic.
I could go on and on about this, but I suppose that I've written enough.
What are your thoughts on the matter? Is there anything to be done about it? Can we mitigate the influence of The Fool, or are we doomed to endure his comic misadventures as they show the "smart" guy the myriad errors of his ways?