9-11 was America's Reichstag Fire, that's when the Nazi's burned down the parliament building and blamed it on the Jews, ushering in Hitler. Now, like then, the world was in a Depressionary economic collapse. During a time of economic collapse, the powers that be want to cull the herds. Not enough pie to feed everyone, so de-populate through genocide. Worked for Hitler, hey?
9-11 was run not so much for oil in the Middle East( filled up your car lately?) but more for shredding the US Constitution in order to pave the way for global fascism. In order to get the population to submit to fascism you have to put them under fear (hey, we want to shred the Constitution and the Bill of Rights cause Osama the boogie man might be hiding under your bed)
Anyone who thinks that some guy sitting on a yak in a cave in Afghanistan took down the security screens of the US Pentagon an hour and a half after the Twin Towers were hit, I've got some nice beachfront property in Omaha to sell you real cheap.
http://www.tmz.com/2008/07/21/heather-thomas-u-s-a-is-fall-guy-for-9-11/16#commentsNever underestimate Big Yak.