Study: Breast Cancer May Regress On Own
CBS/AP) A significant portion of invasive breast cancers may regress on their own without treatment, a new study that is bound to provoke controversy suggests.
The study, published Monday in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, suggested breast cancer screening may be leading to overdiagnosis of cancer, with upwards of 22 percent of cases likely to resolve themselves without treatment.
Once a breast cancer is found, however, it wouldn't currently be considered ethical not to treat. So - if the theory is correct - large numbers of women may be having surgeries, radiation, chemotherapy and other treatments that would never have been needed if their cancers hadn't been detected.
"If we are right, then this is a kind of paradigm shift," said lead author Dr. Per-Henrik Zahl, a senior statistician with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health., I'm posting this here so we can have a rational discussion without the ITS A CONSPIRACY crowd chiming in (hopefully).
This is interesting but frightening because what if people read about this and decide that they should NOT treat? I would hope doctors would do the rational thing and consider watchful waiting in the case they think MIGHT be candidates for spontaneous disappearance...
I'm also sure its these types of cancers that are "cured" by alternative healers..