aka the hippie mom woo fest, aka home of the craziest, overmoderated, uncritical batshit insane message board ever. Seriously. It makes the DUngeon look like this forum. And when I say "uncritical" I mean that any form of criticism of another poster's beliefs or statements gets shut down like Motown, baby. It's the type of forum that Turtlensue would be banned from before she finished typing in her name to sign up. There's a lot of leftie hippie woo-ness there, but there's also a minority group of highly religious types who also practice the "natural" childraising techniques popular amongst the earthier moms.
There's some good mothering advice to be gleaned from the site, to be sure, but one needs a strong bullshit filter.
Besides the standard pro-infectious disease and homeopathy woobaggery, she sometimes tells me about things like:
The neo-pagans who are appropriating the tradition from hard-core Muslims of covering themselves with chadors or burkas, and claiming it as some sort of pagan thing.
and the latest: Is Obama the Anti-christ? (or, Yes Virginia, there IS a difference between the US Mint and the Franklin mint...)
"I, for one, am one who believes it is quite possible, and it has nothing to do with race at all. The Bible says the anti-christ will raise up out of nowhere. There has already been some talk of going to a 2-world currency...just a step away from the one world currency prophesied in the Bible. People will believe this person to be Messiah-like and will rely on him to bring about world peace which he will for a time. I just am watching what will happen in Israel...the second there is a peace treaty signed with Israel, we'll know for sure. I realize it is a bit early to tell at this point, it is just speculation, but things just are adding up to something strange. I worked overnight lastnight, and watching infomercials, they've already released a half-dollar with Obama's face on it (The Franklin Mint...not sure if that is real oney or not), but when you order yours you get STAMPS with Obama's face on it. There's already a city in Florida that is naming a street after him. Aren't these things usually reserved for after a president has passed or at least until he is THE PRESIDENT? It's just all a little too much too fast, and it really makes me think it is a definate possibility. Keeping my eyes on Israel, as I said before."