There's data now that actually confirms that the Soviet Union came down and the Iron Curtain came down as a result of Dallas, the soap opera. There were more people watching Dallas in the Soviet Union and East Germany who were attracted to the car, to the woman's dress and the house and J.R. and all of that.:rofl:
And all this time I thought it might have a LITTLE something to do with massive military spending and a political system that finally collapsed under the weight of its own bullshit.
In this next question, Chopra is talking about Victor J. Stenger, who he dismisses as "some professor...from Hawaii or something."
My Irony Meter broke on that one.
Stenger is a quantum physicist. Deepak (in the ancient Vydurean tongue of the Ass-Ended Masters, pronounced "Dipshit" ) is not.
In fact, Stenger worked on the teams that discovered the quark and other sub-atomic particles.
Stenger also has a PhD in Philosophy and teaches it at the University of Colorado, IIRC.
Q: How much do you believe that physics are a part of spirituality?
A lot. I mean, I saw the article in The Sun. And they've got some comments from some professor of physics and astronomy from Hawaii or something. He says that consciousness has nothing to do with quantum physics. I'd love to debate a guy like that.Oh, I don't think you would. Not if the debate strayed out of wooly-minded navel-gazing into hard science.
Note the desperate appeal(s) to authority in the next bit.
I don't know where these journalists -- sorry: you're a journalist, but -- where they find these guys, because the best quantum physicists -- and they are friends. I mean, I have the head of the Max Planck Institute at my center every month. There's no bigger place for quantum physics in the world than the Max Planck Institute in Germany. And I have Amit Goswami who is a professor of physics at Oregon State University and Nick Herbert: I can name 20 quantum physicists who have written hundreds of papers on the relationship between quantum physics and consciousness.
So when I read a quote like that, it's almost laughable.Not nearly as laughable as your "books."
Here's a famous short Stenger piece that mentions The Master Himself, "Quantum Quackery:"