so there's a woman I've been working with somewhat over the last few weeks.
she's been working her ass off trying to get something off the ground-- this thing is huge, will change lives, and the way some people think-- all by herself. she quit her job to work on it. she's organized people considered un-organizable. she's dealt with people who think they're too good to work with her, and made them work with her, and respect her.
her work is going to be tremendous and long-lasting.
her dedication should be counted in hours not slept and time not spent with friends and family.
and then, the other day, I receive a very late happy holidays email from her.
in the email, she recommends the secret and what the bleep do we know.
seriously. if anyone knows that the way you get shit done is by putting your nose to the grindstone and FUCKING WORKING YOUR ASS OFF it should be her.
but no, she just attributes the work she did to sitting around thinking happy thoughts, when obviously she's had to endure months of despair and starting over to get where she's been.
why can't people just be proud that they were able to overcome huge obstacles and shoulder a massive burden? why does it have to be wrapped up in mystical bullshit????
And now I get to look forward to her abandoning her work because some people who didn't have any knowledge of iron working, beasts of burden, or the wheel said the world was going to end in 2012.