Hmmm. This sounds like a phenomenon I often see in our beloved R/T forum.
Especially from people who like to drop a reference to, say, F. Josephus into a thread...when it's clear they haven't bothered to read his books, except for certain cherry-picked references.
Ditto for references to Dawkins et. al. Everybody knows what they said. The problem is, often they didn't say any such thing.
Over at my favorite gearhead site, Jalopnik, Ralph Nader is usually considered the Debbil Incarnate. He single-handedly brought Big Nanny Gubmint into the car industry!!!
One of the site editors finally put up a poll. He asked directly how many commenters had read Nader's book
Unsafe At Any Speed. And he asked that they "be honest."
Ninety per cent of the respondents had never read the book.Amazing. From the vitriol hurled at Nader on this site, you'd think he had personnally confiscated the '78 Trans-Maro in their driveway and hauled it to the crusher.
Yet less than 10% of the vitriolistas had even bothered to read the book.
Here's the poll/thread. Some of the comments are interesting, considering that these are hard-core car nuts. (I'm a soft-core car nut, I think...):
For those who think "th'gubmint" has too much influence in our lives, please at least be thankful that the milk you put in your kids' cereal this morning didn't kill them, and was, in fact, milk, because, once upon a time, there were no rules as to what constituted milk, or how it should be collected, stored, or sold.