This guy is in charge of several testing logs that people across the campus (our campus encompasses just about the whole damn county) HAVE to access and enter information into, but, instead of making a computerized verions that are accesable to these people from their sites (hell, just a computerized vesion at all!), he has paper hand-written logs (these logs end up with over 5000 sample entries each year), he makes people travel to his lab to enter the information and get the sample numbers. A HUGE amount of time is wasted on travel for this.
I quit working for this guy after 5 years in part because of his unwillingness to consider alternatives or improvements to procedures, but I still have to interact with him on a semi-regular basis and this type of thing is still a sticking point. Just had a meeting last week where his absolute terror of change was on display for others to see but I doubt anything will be done because it's one of those "He's been here 25 years" deals.