...Skeptical Voter plans to send out a survey to as many MPs and parliamentary candidates as possible to gauge their support for skeptical issues. We cannot do this alone and want to make sure that the questions we ask are well chosen.
Here's our own selection to get started. What do you think?
1. Do you support the use of public funds to provide unproven alternative "treatments" such as homeopathy?
2. Should schools be allowed to teach creationism as an equivalent theory to evolution?
3. Do you believe that religious belief should be legally protected from ridicule?
4. Should an independent government adviser whose views in their area of expertise conflict with government policy be able to express those views publicly without fear of being sacked?
5. Should Sharia law be allowed as an alternative system within UK law?
6. Do you agree that testing on animals (within strict criteria) is a necessary part of the development of medicines?
7. Should policy-makers trust scientific evidence even when it appears counter-intuitive?
8. Do you think that abortion time limits should always be determined by the current scientific and medical consensus?
9. Should religious leaders be entitled to vote in the House of Lords?
10. Do you support the reform of English and Welsh libel law to allow a stronger 'public interest' defence?
http://skeptical-voter.org/node/7And they
have a Wiki for all MPs and their views. Which has told me my current MP is a member of the All Party Parliamentary Humanist Group, which is quite good.