On this side of the pond, we got to enjoy that spectacle back in the 1990's - leading to the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history:
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) - Former Orange County Treasurer Robert L. Citron managed the county's multibillion-dollar investments guided by a $4.50 astrology chart that predicted changes in the financial markets, recently released court documents revealed.
The charts prepared especially for Citron by an Indiana astrologer "predicted when large changes in the financial markets would take place," he said in a deposition. "It didn't tell you whether the market was going to go up or go down. ... you had to figure that out yourself. It was just a fun thing to watch...and see how correct it was."Until the predictions (inevitably) were incorrect, at which point Orange County went bankrupt and Mr. Citron went to jail. He sure had a strange idea of "fun."
He also conducted some psychics for financial advice. But the whole woo-woo angle seemed to embarass everybody, so in court it apparently wasn't pursued that forcefully (as usual).
This is the kind of crackpottery usually associated with Hollywood. For foreign DU'ers - Orange County, CA has a long reputation for arch-conservatism, being the birthplace of Dick Nixon and the birthplace of Ronald Reagan's political career. (And the home of Disneyland.) Even in the 1950's its citizens were lampooned as mossbacks who spent their weekends protesting fluoridated water and the U.N.
It's probably only fair to note that Citron was the only Democrat in Orange County govt. at the time, though he was a conservative Democrat.
When caught, Citron came up with the interesting Deteriorating Brain Defense:
Citron used his own money to pay for the charts drawn up by Marguerite Carter of Indianapolis from the 1980s until 1993, discontinuing use of the charts when the format grew more complicated to the point that "the person using it had to use more of their own predictability..."
Citron testified that he was having trouble digesting important information and suspected that his brain had been deteriorating since 1989. "My brain is unable to audit all the information necessary to make executive decisions," he testified.http://www.sddt.com/News/article.cfm?SourceCode=19980724cx