I hit 250 with a sledgehammer, 250 with a hand held hammer, 250 with a plastic hammer, and 250 with a paper cutout of a hammer.
The sick people who were treated with the sledgehammer did not fair very well at all.
The sick people who were treated with the hand held hammer faired batter than those who were treated with a sledgehammer, but still they still did not recover as well as I was hoping.
The sick people who were treated with the plastic hammer faired significantly better than those who were treated with the sledgehammer and the hand held hammer, but they did report a lot of agitation. I assume this agitation is from their illness.
The sick people who were treated with the paper cutout hammer faired the best of all. These people seemed the most healthy and the least agitated after their treatment.
Conclusion: Sick people will recover faster, and with less agitation, if treated with a paper cutout hammer. I am calling these hammers, homeopathic hammers. Now the real question is, how much should I sell homeopathic hammers for?