Just read this article on the new album published in the magazine, The Quietus. KJ is one of my all-time favorite groups, I have all their albums, but man, do I just have to smile and nod at the lyrics!
Feel free to pick out and discuss which of his ideas is the absolutely furthest out there in terms of paranoid conspiracy woo - it's got them all, chemtrails, mind control nanotechnology in vaccines activated through microwave towers (my personal favorite)...
http://thequietus.com/articles/04796-jaz-coleman-on-killing-joke-and-absolute-dissent"The Quietus says: Epic opening chords give way a verse which seems to consciously mimic their classic 1980 single 'Pssyche' with its chopping guitar and frantic dance beat, giving a brief and misleading impression that the earlier albums are about to be revisited wholesale. The chorus is hymn-like, the content apocalyptic.
Jaz Coleman: The album was going to be called Feast of Fools, but everything changes doesn't it? And we didn't use that track – it was argued off the album. A great track it is too. 'Absolute Dissent' just felt right. There's definitely a double meaning. We did over twenty songs and then we've been arguing over which ones go on the fucking record for the last six months! (laughs) and which mixes, and then which artwork goes on the fucking album, so 'Absolute Dissent' sums it all up but consensus has been reached...
But there are also the obvious things. You know the obvious things. You can see the way the world's going. I've just come back from China. There's all these fucking microwave towers there. They can monitor everything on every person at all times. When you see the artwork that Jimmy from KLF has done, you'll see this towers that Mr Nicholas Rockefeller says that a microchipped population will be run from. They're already up and running in China (laughs). These are areas that I like to write about. It needn't be that way. I disagree with David Rockefeller's assertion that the future of the world will be a supernational elite comprised of bankers. No. No! Absolute Dissent, there you go. Check on a couple of things, have a look in America, Mason Chip International. It's happening. The thing is with nanotechnology, it's in vaccines now. That might account for the fact that I know ten doctors who won't have any vaccines. I don't agree. Big time. Underlined in red. I renounce it!"