Telekinesis means movement of objects with mind power.
I've never relayed this story to anyone, friend or family. This seems like as good a place as any. If the woo factor makes you laugh, I'd probably be the first to join you. Except that it really did happen to me.
When I was about 12, the mother of my best friend across the street from us in Southern California had us experimenting with an Ouija Board-like device. It consisted of an arc of alphabetic characters on a flat board, and a wooden pendant on a thin chain. The intent was to ask "it" a question and allow the device to swing back and forth over letters to spell out a response. Like most everything at that age, it was a source of great fascination, but only for a short while.
My father died that summer and Mom moved us out of state, away from pendant-thing and friends. One day, about a year later, I remembered the device and thought I would attempt to duplicate its effects, even without the blessing of the game's manufacturer. I took a needle and thread, sat at my small bedroom desk, and focused. Sure enough, the needle began moving right and left. I tried to make it move in circles and it did. I then "made" it change direction. I felt an overwhelming sense within me as this was happening, and it wasn't a good feeling. Quite black, as a matter of fact.
Since I had always had an interest in science, I decided at least a bit of scientific method was justified. I taped the thread to the edge of the bookshelf to eliminate the effects of any subtle hand movements on the string. Still, it moved as I willed it to. I then covered my nose with a book to eliminate any possible interference from my breath, and again it moved. By this time I was worried about the effect the whole thing was having on me and didn't make any other attempts for many years.
About ten years later or so, I decided to try again just to see if the ability was still there. Nothing. Sorry I can't post a YouTube for you, but that was long before PC's and wouldn't be particularly convincing in this day and age anyway. I can't begin to explain the effect, how it happened or why.