We're on one of the "dust" maps, can't remember which one (actually, I think I'm mixing two of them). I like to play terrorist.
We respawn. I have to rebuy to I get helmet and kevlar, 50 cal pistol if I'm broke otherwise the auto-rifle with scope, maybe an HE nade if I think i've got time. One in a blue moon I'll get pwned while buying by somebody shooting through the tunnel with an AWP.
I prefer to go to bombsite A because we can run down the back lane without getting pwned and just have to be careful crossing in front of the big tunnel and working our way down that, but I often get pwned by a sniper blowing my feet off.
If the gang decides to go the "B" route, we all jump over the wall and pile into the T-shaped room. The CT's are all camped at the ends of the tunnel and pick us off one by one with AWP's. There's only one way in so there's no time to aim and shoot - they've already got a headshot.
If we go through the narrow tunnel at the beginning, they've got somebody parked at the bottom of the hill, and somebody else parked in the "B" T-tunnel. The only way to go is around the corner to the "A" site and get into a gun battle with the campers hiding behind the wall while the snipers in the B-T tunnel pick us off from behind and other CT's come in from our respawn spot and we're trapped in the middle. I've gotten a few kills by crouching behind the stairs and picking them off coming around the corner but they quickly get wise to that and toss a nade in my lap.
I know part of the problem is my teammates refuse to get organized and we're up against clans. Problem is, I never get good enough to get invited into a clan and most of them are homophobic 14-year-olds.
Between that and the h4x0rs running auto-aim, wall-hack and speed-bot it can be a frustrating day.
I've tried some of the NOOB servers but they're becoming few and far between and infested with idiots and non-noobs.
I've considered setting up my own, but I don't really have the horsepower to do it properly and I can't afford the power to have the thing up all the time. I hate the bots.