Note: If I go ahead with this it would be my first GMing experience.
Set in the prime universe, 180 years after the rad leak that killed Red Dwarf's crew, a Space Corps ship called the Sabralus with a primitive warp drive is sent to find Red Dwarf to recover the vessel and its sole survivor in stasis. About two weeks into the journey to find the Dwarf, (slated to take about two months), the ship goes through a time hole, and finds itself stuck about three million years into the future, in orbit around Fuchal, the Cat's promised land. Once the crew discovers signatures on the planet consistant with shuttle and mining craft from Red Dwarf, a shuttle is sent down to investigate with a six person crew.
I fudged the chargen rules to create some of these characters. I have four so far, and I'd like Advice on what to have the other two bee.
Professor Maury Laitenen Human Male, age 42, Born in Ishpeming, MI. Ph.D in Space Corps History from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point (Yes, I know UWSP has no doctoral programs now, however this far in the future, I'm going to assume that UWSP has for some odd reason, become one of the most respected academic institutions on Earth)
Stats ans Skills:
DEXTERITY 3 Active Games: Pool 1 Firearms 1
PERCEPTION 3 Aesthetics: French Cuisine 2 Awareness 2 Empathy 2 Passive Games: Poker 3 Seduction 3 Social 3
INTELLIGENCE 5 Anthropology 1 Computer Ops (Psi Scan) 4 (5) History (Space Corps) 5 (6) Mathematics 2 Philosophy 1 Trivia (Red Dwarf) 3 (6)
WILLPOWER 2 Cool 2 Resist 2
Assets: Puzzler Acute Taste
Liabilities: Age (Perception Lowered from 4 to 3)0 Level 1 Addiction: Caffiene Speech impediment: "Yooper" accent Obsession: Finding Red Dwarf Delusion: He thinks he's a great explorer Level Two Intolerance: People whom he feels are of inferior intellect. Level One Intolerance: British "Cuisine"
Behavior Tags: Self Conversation Superstition: Has to wear his lucky wristwatch at all times Pet Peeve: Smoking
Junior Engineering Officer Ray Discarcino, Human Male, age 24, Born Brooklyn, NY Big punk rock fan. Played in punk band aboard previous assgnment, the space frieghter Charles Nelson Reilly.
AGILITY 3 Self Defense 1
Dexterity 5 Active Games: Pool 1 Craft: Scale Modeling 1 Firearms 2 Instrument : Drums 4 Repair: Shuttle 4 Repair: Capital Ship 4 Repair: Vehicle 4
Aesthetics: Punk Rock 4 Con: 3 Passive Games: Poker Seduction 2
INTELLIGENCE 3 Computer Ops 2 Language: Italian 2 Trivia: Punk Rock 3
WILLPOWER Cool 3 Resist 2
Assets Ambidexterous (I'm fudging the rules, this asset is granting +1 to all dex skills)
Liabilities: Level 3 Intolerance: Karaoke Level 2 Intolerance: "Academic Types" Level 3 Phobia: Roaches (Stemming from his first experience with them while spending a night with his buddy's disgusting apartment after playing a gig at CBGB's and an encounter with a giant mutant roach in the cargo hold of his previous assgnment.)
Behavior Tags Cynicism Pet Peeve: Self Conversation
Nashorn, Male Hudzen 10DX2 mechanoid. Brought on board mission to traverse parts of Red Dwarf inaccessible to humans in rad suits.
AGILITY 4 Gunnery 2 Self Defense 5
DEXTERITY 4 Demolitions 4 Firearms 5
STRENGTH 5 Climb 2 Endurance 2 Strength Feat: Groinal Socket 2
PERCEPTION 2 Awareness 3
INTELLIGENCE 2 Culinary Arts: British 2
WILLPOWER 3 Cool 3 Intimidation 3 Resist 3
Assets None
Liabilities: Bad Sense: Taste Gullibility Level One Fanaticism: Silicon Heaven Gimboid Level Two Phobia: Rabbits (due to faulty programming) Speech Impediment: Scottish Accent (Stuck in Scottish accent mode due to hacker prank)
Behavior Tags: Fidgeting: Hand Wringing
Navigation Officer Mizuki Ohara Human Female, 26. Born in Neotokyo colony, Titan. Is the distant relative of Japanese WWII fighter ace Ryoji Ohara and is damn proud of it.
AGILITY 5 Gunnery 3 Pilot: Capital Ship 4 Pilot: Shuttle 5
DEXTERITY 3 Firearms: Bazookoid Pistol 3 Repair: Shuttle 2
PERCEPTION 3 Aesthetics: Late 20th Century pop music 3 Empathy 2 (modified +2 by Charisma asset) Seduction 5 (modified +2 by Charisma asset) Socail 5 (modified +2 by Charisma asset) Singing Ability 2
INTELLIGENCE 5 Astronavigation 3 Computer Ops 3 Language: Japanese 5 Mathematics 4 Trivia: Anime 3
WILLPOWER 2 Cool 1 Resist 1
Assets Charisma Level One Rank (She is third in command of the Sabrulus .)
Liabilities Level Two Speech Impediment: Thick Japanese Accent Level Two Delusion: Karaoke goddess Level Two Obsession: Personal Space (She allows no one who is not directly involved in the flying of the spacecraft itself is allowed to sit up in the pilot's area of the bridge when she is flying. She is also very testy about "her space" in her living quarters. Level Two Phobia: The sound of things breaking, especailly dishes or china. Level One Obsession: Anime Level Two Obsession: Chopstick etiquitte Level Two Addiction: Nicotine Level Two Obsession: Maintanance of shuttlecraft. Level One Moral Restriction: She refuses to make direct eye contact with anyone who she deems her superior
Behavior Tags: Nervous Tic: Upon the failure of any Cool or Fear check, she loses her ability to effectivley communicate clearly in English. She can only clearly in Japanese. She can communicate in English in these situations, however, she may only use popular song lyrics under these circumstances. The effect lasts until the danger has passed.