I use violent games to get anger out of my system. I really do think it helps. One lady in the group asked what I would do if the power went out. :eyes: I'm not so dysfunctional that violent games are the only way I get rid of negative energy. I read, sing, etc.
Another thing about the class: it asserts that humans are not inherently violent. Bullshit, I say. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit! Chimpanzees, our closest relatives, have wars all the time. Plus, our history is full of violence. I say we are inherently violent and to assume otherwise is a mistake, possibly a dangerous one.
The curriculum is derived from a religious source and I'm beginning to think it is yet another form of dogma. I'm not into dogma. As the saying goes, my karma ran over my dogma. I'm sick of dogma telling me what I should and should not do. Fuck it.
As for Lord of the Rings, it has become a powerful metaphor for me. Some "friends" have laughed when I tell them I feel like the Ring represents the weight of depression around my neck and that I'm on a voyage to get rid of it. I identified so strongly with Frodo that The Return of the King reduced me to a quivering, weeping puddle. I guess others can laugh if they want, but Lord of the Rings is one of my myths: a myth to give me hope in dark times. At least I realize it is a myth and don't try to pattern my life on bodiless eyes atop towers and warring wizards. :)