Doom3 easter egg (spoiler)
Guy Fawkes
(1000+ posts)
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Sat Apr-23-05 02:21 PM
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Doom3 easter egg (spoiler) |
I recommend you do this only if you have already beaten the game...
Start a game on the hardest difficulty. Once you get the pistol, shoot EVERY person you can. When you get to the first airlock (where you go outside for the first time) kill the guard. If you've killed everyone possible up to this point, the Soul Cube should appear.
This may be a glitch- and I found it while f*cking around one day.
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Sun Apr-24-05 10:23 AM
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i think you automatically get the soul cube anyway at that level of difficulty
Guy Fawkes
(1000+ posts)
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Tue Apr-26-05 07:08 PM
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2. Then perhaps my game is glitched.. |
because I don't get it.... :shrug:
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Wed Apr-27-05 01:48 PM
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3. that's what i was told.. |
i wouldn't know because this game is total shit from a replay standpoint.. just totally worthless.
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Fri Apr-29-05 06:25 AM
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4. Yeah, you automatically get the Soulcube on Nightmare... |
though if your game was glitched...
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Mon Jan 06th 2025, 08:42 PM
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