After getting in about 10 hours of play time, here are some of the highlights of the game:
I would consider this to be a cross between Diablo 2 and Morrowind. It has D2's simplicity of gameplay and Morrowind's expansive world and rich quests. Unlike D2, there is more to do that simply "click click click" your way through the map.
Incredibly short load times. You can be up and playing in about a minute. Loads from map section to section take about 20-30 seconds on my 1.6 GHz P4.
Graphics are absolutely beautiful. It is not HL2, but the again the graphics are not as resource-hungry either. It looks a lot like Dungeon Seige, but only better.
You can play solo or multiplayer (at least for the main portion of the game).
Great interface, which is very intuitive without being overly simplistic.
The quests and maps are helpful, listing objectives for one quest at a time and displaying on the map exactly where you have to go ... there's even a little pointer on your mini-map to tell you what direction to head. No "wander around until you stumble across" in these missions.
The map allows you to instantly teleport to some areas from any area on the map, including within dungeons. No endless wandering across the map.
If you die, you lose nothing, not even the quest. Overall, the game wants to be played, and does not punish you for failing.
Some cons, though nothing crippling:
You MUST have an open Internet connection to play. Sorry dial-up users. :(
I worry that even though the classes and skills are well-implemented, they may ultimately be like D2--too simple to allow for much variety among high-level classes. However, I'm not far enough along to really have an informed opinion on that issue.