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Anyone remember "Tunnels of Doom"?

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Domitan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-05 01:29 PM
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Anyone remember "Tunnels of Doom"?

Only the old farts (30 something and up) will remember this RPG game from the now defunct Texas Instruments computer system (my first one ever). The graphics are utterly simple compared to the likes of Diablo II, Ultima, and Heroes of Might & Magic...but Tunnels of Doom had a great storyline and good structure. You had to complete 2 quests (either as a loner or in a group): 1) rescue the king trapped in a safe (you have to find the combination) and 2) retrieve the orb guarded by the toughest monsters. Once that's done you had to make your way back up to the room above the top floor. You had the option of choosing between 1 (easy) and 10 (very hard) floors to experience this game. So addictive and compelling in its simplicity and entertainment.

I wish there was a way to bring that game onto my computer so I could indulge in some RPG nostaglia.

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Domitan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-05 01:42 PM
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1. Here are some screenshots

Your view as you go down the hallway where you can encounter fountains or shrines that can empower or diminish your abilities...or you can opt to enter the doors.

Your view as you are in a room and in combat with the baddies.

Once you retrieve the king and orb (must be done within reasonable time limit or the king suffocates to death in the safe), you will face many wandering monsters going after you as you go down the hallway. No longer can you rely on the halls for relative peace.

There's an option to use the map to help you navigate. When you enter a new floor, the map is pretty much bare. But once you get through the floor, it shows where you have already been. Overall, this is a thinking game, rather than a reflex game like many of today's games.
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NewHampshireDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-05 02:04 PM
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2. For some reason, no!
Hmm ... I guess I didn't have many games for my TI ... did that run on the 99/4A?

I didn't do too much serious gaming until I got my C-64. I remember working all summer when I was 14 to buy a disk drive ... and you had to 1. punch and 2. flip the disks over to make them double-sided. :)
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