I need a good FPRPG...
Guy Fawkes
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Sat Jun-04-05 08:12 PM
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I'm a fan of first-person RPGs. I really liked Marrowind, and I'm looking for another good one to play. Any suggestions?
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Tue Jun-07-05 03:41 PM
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1. Not exactly FP, but close |
Gothic. Great game, bargain price. You could probably pick up both 1 & 2 for under $20.
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Tue Jun-07-05 06:59 PM
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Good FPS/RPG I also like Jagged Alliance 2
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Thu Jun-09-05 06:10 AM
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4. :smacks head: "Deus Ex" is a good choice, as is "System Shock 2" |
Both have sci-fi themes, so if you're looking for high fantasy ...
Guy Fawkes
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Thu Jun-09-05 08:51 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
6. If you liked System Shock 1&2... |
-and I loved them- you need to look into the new game, "Bioshock". It isn't System Shock 3, but it looks DAMN AWESOME.
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Tue Jun-07-05 08:00 PM
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3. Isn't "Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines" an FPRPG? |
I know you have the option of playing in third-person but I think you can play in first-person as well... it's for older audiences, so if you have any kids around you may want to skip it. I haven't played it yet but I hear it's a pretty good RPG and it's made by Troika (now defunct developers behind RPG greats like Arcanum and Fallout). It's also one of the more recent single-player PC RPGs to be released... based on the same Source engine as Half-Life 2.
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Thu Jun-09-05 06:11 AM
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5. BTW, have you tried "Guild Wars"? |
It's been my latest addiction. Not FP, but fun nonetheless. And, no subscription fee to play online. :)
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Thu Jun-09-05 11:17 AM
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7. Did you try the expansions for Morrowind? |
Bloodmoon and one other who's title escapes me at the moment. They were pretty good, can carry on with your character and just be more god-like in the end heh.
Idylle Moon Dancer
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Sat Jun-11-05 05:52 AM
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8. Arx Fatalis is worth a look |
I'm playing it right now. Among other things, it's magic system is similar to that of Black and White, and I've heard that there are some easter egg spells. There's also a mysterious chicken and pig. And you can make an apple pie.
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Tue Mar 11th 2025, 02:13 AM
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