Please list them so we have a thread we can point to the next time some asshat in GD decides to paint us all as idiot 12 year old sociopaths-in-training.
My life would be significantly poorer were it not for video games, and specifically the Final Fantasy games. I was an introvert and a loner growing up, without any friends, and my only friend quite literally was my NES (and then SNES, and so on). When Final Fantasy came out, it blew my mind and opened up a whole new world of imagination for me. Now, in the original FF there were no named heroes, you created and named a party from scratch much like D&D. I started writing little stories about the Warriors of Light and the things they did between adventures. Nothing earthshattering, and they'd hardly compete with a Homerian epic, but it gave me an outlet for my creativity. As later games in the series came out, particularly FF6, I started wondering a lot about the different characters' backstories and their relationships to each other, and I got pretty damn proflic with my stories.
When FF6 was out, I was still on AOL and I posted a lot to the Squaresoft boards in the video game forum, and was a member of a silly little moogle club called Kupopolis. I started posting stories about a moogle there, and soon other people started interacting with her, and eventually we had a fullblown interactive fiction circle going. Ten years later, this thing is huge and still exists on the Web (*cough*www.kupopolis.com*cough*...I post on there as Aurora), and many of the writers involved with it have gone on to study writing and pursue it as a career. Some have been published in genre magazines. Me? I still write fanfiction, and for many more games besides Final Fantasy, but I've also branched into original work and I am proud to say I am having a nonfiction essay published in an anthology soon.
I've also made so many friends due to these games. Participating on gaming message boards and moderating fanfiction lists has drawn me out of my shell in ways nothing else has. It's given me confidence. I know this is going to sound extremely stupid, but gaming has also given me self-esteem...I never felt I was good at anything, and this hobby gave me a passion and a purpose in life.
Classical music? I was indifferent to it, until Square started putting out orchestrated versions of Final Fantasy soundtracks. Suddenly the violin I had to play for school became a wonderful thing, and I started teaching myself how to play different songs from the games on it. I'm not alone in this either; I know many classical music aficionados who gained a love for the artform due to hearing "One Winged Angel" at the end of Final Fantasy 7, and learning that Nobuo Uematsu borrowed some lyrics for it from Carmina Burana.
I know people who have studied graphic design because they got the artist bug after drawing fan art of characters...people who have gone into computer science because they wanted to learn about the nuts and bolts behind games...even people who have learned carpentry and metalwork because they wanted to build a better Dance Dance Revolution pad! Geez, on a totally stupid level, I learned how to sew because I wanted to dress up like Kitana from Mortal Kombat for Halloween when I was 12, and I'm now learning html because I want to make a fanshrine to the various pretty boys from Square games.
Okay, I've gushed enough. I can't be the only one whose life was changed for the better because of this crazy hobby. Even if it's something you think is small and insignifcant, please step up.