Hey everyone I need a preview of the city of Heroes RPG.It absolutely freaking rocks as a game.
I got in last year about a month into it and played for about 6 months straight(the upside of being unemployed lol) took 9 months off because at some point it does become a grind and just restarted again.
Some of the people who play it can be difficult... and then I just remind myself they're probably just 12 and ignore the behaviour.
I have a dell with a connection speed of 26.6 bps is this adequate and I am on dial up.Yipe... right off, I'd say probably not.
But... and this is a big but, it depends on what you want to do.
The game has been moved by the developers to encourage(if not require) teaming with other people.
The problem with a slow connection is that in group situations, you can get as many as 20 people(good guys and bad guys) fighting in one little space. Passing that much info back and forth through a 26.6 modem might be a bit too much.
It'll also make your computer wheeze hard if you don't adjust the graphics down low.
One of the reasons I started up again was the new computer I built... I wanted to see if the extra power improved things... it did... and with the new issue about to go live, it'll look *way* better.
Also my hand tremors prevent me from playing play station would it be that much of a problem with COH? Thanks for the information Danny.Nah... most of the action is click based... you select the bad guy with your mouse with your right hand and click keyboard buttons to attack with your left.(all of the buttons can be customized as can all of the commands... called binds)
Unless your hand shakes so much you have trouble selecting one of the bad guys(you can move the camera around pretty freely), then that shouldn't prevent a problem.
One of the other issues with a slow connection is lag... because this is real time, you can get killed or leave your teammates in a lurch because of it.
Is there any way to upgrade at all?
DSL is pretty cheap and ubiqutous these days.
And if you're gonna fork over $40 for the game and $15 a month to play, you might as well invest in a worthwhile connection.
That being said, you *could* simply stick to running your character solo.
The game scales the amount and level of bad guys you encounter during missions(not on the street, so be careful getting around) so the connection speed issue should be managable.
Oh, and I just remembered that they update content via download... so that means you would be downloading 600MB files when they release new issues.
Try reading through here or the offical COH site, especially the forums for info.
http://cohvault.ign.com/For fun you could download a "hero planner"(there are several available) to plan out the hero you want.
Unfortunately, you can't do anything like demo COH as all the action happens on the servers.
Heck, *I* think they should at least allow people to construct the hero and the costume as a demo.
Good luck and let me know if you have more questions.