I'd like to see a first person shooter, for online multiplayer, that lacks the "unrealism" problems I see with the most popular ones...
I used to play a lot of Quake II online and had fun, but when I actually "spectated" or watched others play, it looked stupid to me, a bunch of people running around like crazy, jumping around like bunnies and blasting each other with rocket and railgun shots.
In the little bit of Counterstrike I played, I was impressed that the internet code was silky smooth and relatively lag free, but I still didn't like the fact that players could jump so much. It seemed very unrealistic.
I just finished FarCry singleplayer (which I LOVED), but in multiplay the default speed the characters move around seems again too fast to me, at least for spectating purposes, if you want the game to be realistic. At least the "stamina bar" limits the amount of jumping you can do. But I feel the "normal" speed of the character corresponds to what I'd expect of people moving at "sprint" speed, again requiring stamina.
My feeling is, that by making characters so hard to hit by just moving around so fast and/or jumping continuously, it makes the game "unrealistic" because the power of the weapons is relatively deemphasized compared to constant fast movement, and extreme emphasis on low ping and hardware, and mouse aiming skills.
There will always be a skill component, but in a real life "shooter" scenario, think about the speed a soldier would actually move. Because it would be relatively easy for enemies to aim and shoot them with assault rifles as well as sniper etc., moving with caution, and taking cover, as well as squad tactics when applicable, would make you behave completely differently than the way people "typically" behave in online shooter games. I wonder how often a real firefight would result in two people "circle strafing" around each other with guns blazing. Pretty rare I'd think.
For whatever reason, of the games I've played, the one that had the most "realistic" feel to me in terms of character motion was Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear. Characters moved at what seemed to be a "realistic" speed and there was either no or very little jumping. The problem in online play was that the way the game was coded, coop and other multiplay was laggy, unlike Counterstrike. I like the way that the pace of that game, the realistic player movement, and the fact that if you died, your character was out of the scenario, made the game feel like I was immersed in a tense movie scene. I felt that, if properly done, here was a type of game that, if being watched by someone who was NOT a gamer, who didn't play that game, might find compelling to watch. A movie scene that someone was "playing out".
So I guess what I'd like is a game that plays and "feels" the way Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear did for me, but with the excellent network/internet coding of Counterstrike.
Is there anything out there like that?
I will say I recognize that not everyone wants to play a game that is "realistic" in feel. I feel something like Unreal Tournament captures the fantastic element of shooter play, with big time jumps, crazy fantastic weapons etc. That's cool too, but I want a realistic game of the type I described.