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A BF2 Shout Out to landaddy, Bandar & company. Fun times playing

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Mayberry Machiavelli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-13-06 01:14 AM
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A BF2 Shout Out to landaddy, Bandar & company. Fun times playing
BF2 with my DU homies. Sorry I was such a noob and not more help but at least I don't think I TK'ed anyone.

I like the game overall, like the fact that the player movement seems realistic although there's still the stupid damn jumping. I'm okay with the ability to jump, I just wish it required stamina and that a jump took 50-100 percent of your stamina so you could only get one or at most two jumps before waiting a LONG TIME to jump again.

I just think bunny hopping is lame. And I wish there were maps or rules just like BF2, without bunny hopping, and without respawning, although I can definitely see where long waits to play after getting killed could be a problem.

In short, I wish there were games like CounterStrike with BF2 type player movement, minus the hopping.

Or, I wish there was BF2 type games, with CounterStrike rules, also without bunny hopping.

Did I mention I hate bunny hopping?

I was worried about the vehicles/planes/copters being overpowered, and I though they were, a bit, but not too much, better than I thought it would be.
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landdaddy Donating Member (473 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-13-06 09:29 AM
Response to Original message
1. Hey man
you did damn good for a FNG and we were happy to have you with us. I agree with ya on the bunny hopping stamina but the fix EA is gonna give us will only eliminate the ability to shoot and hop at the same time. The soon to be released patch is supposed to fix many other issues as well.
Some nights we land on a server where that kinda crap does not occur much and other nights it's bunny hopper/spawn camping hell.
All in all we have a lot of fun on our game nights and I hope you can join in again on Wed. night.
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jayfish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-13-06 02:44 PM
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2. Good To Have You On-board.
You seem to gravitate toward the sniper role and I think that could add a valuable piece to our little operation. Hope ya stop in again.

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Mayberry Machiavelli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-13-06 10:34 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. I like sniping, but in a game like this I'll have to learn at least a
couple other things to do well, like being assault or medic, probably assault/spec op most useful. As well as learn how to operate at least one of the vehicles, like tanks, well.

There's a lot of scenarios where I think snipers are not too useful, so important to know how to spawn as an assault/spec ops/support type, or medic, in a hot flag zone. Maybe learning to be a good AntiTank would complement the sniper thing well.

My primary interest is to be infantry, I don't really want to fly stuff, but I can see where the tanks are important in this game.
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Greyhound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-13-06 09:32 PM
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3. Haven't got the rig for BF2, but what about bunny flopping? Very
popular in COD.
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Mayberry Machiavelli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-13-06 10:39 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. My impression is it's somewhat effective/popualr in BF2 also.
I looked on the EA forums for BF2 and found many, many threads with people who think like me bitching and hating on the bunnyhoppers.

You always get the people who say "why do you whine about that, the hoppers are easier for me to kill" etc. but it must be at least somewhat effective or else people would never do it.

My main beef is just that it looks so damn stupid. It ruins, for me, the aesthetics and any sense of "realism", although I personally feel that respawns etc. also do that...

One thing I really like about BF2 is that it looks like they really have the speed of movement of the players to be a lot more realistic than most shooters, where you strafe around like Speedy Gonzales.

My understanding is that upcoming patch will at least remove the ability to shoot while jumping.

I personally feel the best fix would be to make jumping and extremely stamina dependent and taxing activity. In otherwords, say that it uses 50 percent of a stamina bar to do. So you can either do one, or two jumps at most, in rapid succession, and if you don't have half a stamina bar, no jumpee.
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Greyhound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-14-06 01:52 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. Not being able to fire while jumping would help a lot IMO.
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Mayberry Machiavelli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-14-06 02:07 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. Personally I think NO JUMPING would probably be the most realistic.
Edited on Tue Feb-14-06 02:21 AM by Mayberry Machiavelli
I spent over a decade in the military. I've worn TA-50 gear with BDUs, combat boots, steel pot, backpack, etc. It never occurred to me to TRY to jump wearing all the crap, but I suspect that even extremely fit soldiers couldn't get very far off the ground wearing 30-40 pounds of weapons, ammo, and gear.

Apparently the worst bunnyhop exploits seen in BF2, from what I saw in their forums, are people who bunnyhop around the map (to decrease the odds of hitting them), and use a "no aim" weapon like a grenade launcher while doing so, so they can fire effectively, and with impunity, while hopping.

In addition, apparently the game allows you to assume prone position as you jump, so you spend all your time both jumping, and in the lowest profile stance to make it very hard for people to hit you. Sigh.

On Edit: I realize that FPS games have had jumping in, from time immemorial, because there's often spots in the game where you need to jump to clear a chasm, or, worse yet, console type jumping puzzles (think: the later part of Half Life 1). So bunnyhopping has been a part of shooters since Quake/Quake II. Effective, but aesthetically lame, IMHO. Because a game like BF2 seems to strive for a generally realistic quality (unlike, say, Unreal Tournament), it is dismaying that something like bunnyhopping should be present.

It's like I can never have my cake and eat it too. I LOVE Far Cry, and they severely limit jumping through stamina. But the characters move around way too fast. So if BF2 had the Far Cry jumping stamina limitation, I'd be pretty happy.

Sorry if any of you DU BF2ers are dedicated bunnyhoppers. It's just a major peeve of mine.
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Greyhound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-14-06 03:34 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. Jump - prone, repeat. That's what I call bunny flopping and it sucks
but not as much as cheaters. What's the friggin point to cheating? can someone explain what they get out of a game they have to cheat at?
Anyway, the jumping thing. You're right about the not jumping and if they'd just let the characters automatically climb or crawl over obstacles it wouldn't hurt the game-play. It really gets frustrating when you get hung up cause you can't get on or over a 3 foot box cause you can only 'jump' 2.5
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Mayberry Machiavelli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-14-06 03:46 AM
Response to Reply #8
9. I think the BF2 term is "dolphin diving" referring to the proning, while
jumping without the proning is just "bunny hop". I like your bunny flop term though.

I agree that both suck, but I also agree that it's not the same as cheating since the game allows it.

I don't like it and choose not to do it but I don't really blame the players though I find it annoying. If I was going to compete in any actual tourney, especially for money, I'd find whatever worked and do that.

I just wish the game companies would address problems like these with patches.
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landdaddy Donating Member (473 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-14-06 10:48 AM
Response to Reply #7
10. We are all anti bunnyhoppers
and I agree with you on all your criticisms of the game. In the RVN I had my weapon, as much ammo as I could carry, H2O, a few other necessary items, no steel pot or flak jacket and never thought to try and jump around in a firefight, but I sure could run like hell! I think I would have hurt myself pretty badly if I had jumped and belly flopped to take up a fighting position. Permanent impressions of magazines and web gear across my torso?
Bunnyhoppers really tick me off and I'm thinking about just turning my back on them when encountered and letting them have the kill. I may suffer more pixelated deaths and not help eliminate the threat that way but I would have made my statement. If it is heard or not is another question.
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