I have owned books for it over the years, but only recently began playing it. I currently have a little over 1000 points worth of Necrons that are in various stages of painting and assembly.
I am currently 2/2 in games I have played.
My first game was 500 points, Necrons vs. Sisters of Battle;
I fielded two 10 "man" squads of Necron Warriors with a Necron Lord armed with a Staff of Light and Resurrection Orb. My opponent fielded two squads of Sisters, each traveling in Rhinos, with a couple of beefed up squad leaders and some psycher commander. We did a Night Fight, so the first couple turns consisted of him closing the distance to my forces. Once in range the bolters started singing, however you can't keep a good Necron down, so they were back on their feet in no time to answer back with Gauss fire. Once troops began disembarking, my Lord and troops assaulted and cut the Sisters down mercilessly. It was bloody, but in the end I came out winning with only 6 troops gone for good.
My second game was much grander, and much bloodier. The scenario kind of screwed my opponent too. It ended up being a breakthrough type mission, I was on Defense, so I got to set up defensive terrain like bunkers and tank traps and razorwire. He got an opening bombardment of artillery. For those who have done this scenario, it's brutal. For those who haven't... Basically the board is divided into thirds and the attackers side is "No man's land", the second zone is my fortified area and the third is my side where reinforcements come in; also the attackers goal area.
I set up a nasty chokepoint with a bunker on either side of a narrow entryway, with tank traps and razorwire filling the empty area in between, past the wire I had a kind of sniper tower, followed by more wire and traps. Then I paced my troops, he bombarded and destroed a single tank trap, all the way in the back... bad luck on his part.
We were doing 1000 point game, so I had two squads of 16 warriors, a lord with a Warscythe and Rez. Orb, and a Heavy Destroyer. The rest of my troops, 5 Scarabs and 3 Destroyers, had to wait in reserve. My opponent was playing Chaos Undivided and fielded 1 squad of close combat infiltrating marines, 1 Dreadnought, 1 Prince/Lord/Thingy, 1 Predator and 2 squads of Marines in Rhinos.
It was ugly from Turn 1. He moved on the field, infiltrated his close combat squad up. His tanks began firing at the tank traps, and the Dreadnaught opened up on one of my squads in the forward bunkers. My Heavy Destroyer was perched in the pseudo Sniper Tower and somehow didn't get shot at. (I Think he underestimated it) My Lord was skulking around behind the Tower, out of sight. On my turn, my boys made a nice showing, their Gauss weapons cutting into one of the Rhinos and immobilizing it, blocking half the chokepoint. The heavy hit the Dreadnaught and left it stunned for the next round.
It just got worse and worse.... we slugged it out for the full 6 turns the scenario called for. I *barely* won by Victory Points; though not a single unit of Chaos made it into my goal zone. :evilgrin: