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Everquest, Progression(Classic?) server to open soon!

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Langis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-05-06 06:00 AM
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Everquest, Progression(Classic?) server to open soon!
I never really thought about going back and playing EQ till I heard about this server.

I guess it's going to open up sometime in the next month or so. It will start out with only the original EQ with no expansions and as the server population completes encounters the next expansions will be unlocked over time. It sounds like it would be a lot of fun.

Any other DU'ers interested in trying this out?

More info here...

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tibbiit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-21-06 02:27 PM
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1. thanks for posting this
Edited on Sun May-21-06 02:28 PM by tibbiit
I have to get a new computer to be able to get into the game again, but count me in on this! I am excited to get to play eq again from the start.

I think I shall start first my ranger (prolly half elf again)
then my druid wood elf, with a dark elf necro/sk (not sure which) for fun.
Also got to have a barb... rogue or shaman! (how much I love killing mammoths in barb territory as well as bears and gators in other lands!

I can hardly wait to hit the karanas, then kill some frogies, and finnaly go to overthere again when kunark is opened.
what fun.
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Ravenseye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-22-06 11:01 AM
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2. Sounds Tempting
My first true MMO experience was with Ultima Online, and nothing will ever match that intial discovery of an open world. EverQuest came close though. I beta tested it and was astounded by the SIZE of the 3-D world. I was one of the first 'explorer' types to really run through that game. I went right for SOW and then just ran everywhere I could.

It might be interesting to go back and see it from the beginning again.
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