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Mac + Games= ?

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Guy Fawkes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-07-06 09:56 AM
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Mac + Games= ?
Before I got a Mac, all I heard was how gamers are left completely behind by both the game companies and by Apple. But with the Apple stamp on Bootcamp, gamers have been able to easily switch between operating systems (provided you have an intel Mac) and play their favorite games. But as I've come to see, there are many great games playable right out of the box on a Mac. Some of my favorites, in fact, are playable on macintosh. If I installed Gentoo (which I plan on doing sometime soon) as well, I would be able to play many *more* games, without having to ever load up Windows.

The games I've been able to play on the Mac so far (with and without bootcamp):
Diablo II (Without)
Myst IV (without)
TES: Oblivion (With)
Tremulous (With)
Dungeon Siege II (With)
Starcraft (Without)
Half-life 2 (With)

The specs:
Intel Mac
2 Ghz
250Gb HDD
500Gb NTFS HDD over firewire
Radeon X1600 w/ 256Mb SDRAM
2Gb DDR2
5-button Microsoft mouse
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Mayberry Machiavelli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-07-06 11:19 AM
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1. Glad you are happy with your experience. I suppose this kind of thing
Edited on Sun May-07-06 11:21 AM by Mayberry Machiavelli
is just a "win-win" for Microsoft because it's just more Windows XP sales for them...

If you are able to play HL2 and Oblivion with high end settings/performance on that rig, then I suspect you are probably good to go for most PC games, although I'd be curious how your rig would do with F.E.A.R.
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NuttyFluffers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-10-06 02:41 AM
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2. for me the issue is Emulation...
not all console emulators are compatible with Apple, though there's those that are. but then i'm a console gamer so emulation is kinda important to me. helps keep my room from being a mess digging for all my old time faves.

but you're right, the "apple has no games!" argument has been pretty much an overblown one. sure, you miss out on some stuff, but every entertainment device misses out on something. there's no device that plays ALL games from ALL other devices perfectly (emulators are fun, but there's lots of glitches too). besides, i mean, how many second rate FPS and RTS clones does someone need to play?
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