solving skills. we are both 57, i am a high functioning autistic, Aspergers Syndrome, i have an IQ of 164 and am essentially functionally illiterate, my literacy level is 6th grade. I perceive things visually.. i dont see words. l am however a savant with technical/mechanical things.. i have worked at shell research development corporation, and Boeing Space and Communications. She is an NT*:Neurological Traditional person. we get along well, haven't had a argument in the 34 years we have been together.. tho we are both Buddhists, that helps.
i cant do even the most simple math in my head, i cant even do fractions i cant 'See' math i am math blind, but i take notes in Algebra. i also cant recognize faces or remember names. i am a right brain dominant; analogically predisposed.. non 'Neurologically Traditional'* thinker.. i put things together to understand them and the entire process in visual..i believe it is a form of Synisthesia. while digitally oriented left brain NT's* take them apart to understand them.. so when i put things together and and explain it to others they take it apart and it makes no sense at all to them. i would try to explain a problem to an engineer about a problem with an F22 or Delta3 Flight Critical avionic circuit board and they just stare at me like a doe in the headlights.. so i just drew them pictures.
check out some of the articles at , lots of kids get miss-diagnosed with ADD related stuff and they area Aspies.. or have a reaction to High Frictose Corn Syrup that hypers them up.. HFCS messes with your glucose and lowers your Seritonin levels causing neurological problems. Google: high fructose corn syrup obisity
i got the first Knight in hell by hiding and firing the pistol through a crack in the wall..took about 30 rounds. i am exploring the next set of rooms before the hole in the floor.
i played the 'Suffering', and that's what the game was all the way through, i got to the last step and just deleted it from the computer.:freak: