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Is anybody else playing Age of Conan?

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jumptheshadow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-16-08 08:37 PM
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Is anybody else playing Age of Conan?
I've been having a fairly good time playing a young chick in a loincloth. There was that unpopular patch recently that made the boobs of the female characters smaller, but after the uproar, they fixed that and now all of us girls look like we have had silicon implants. You can run around topless if you want. I haven't done it, but a friend of mine, who is a bit of a web tramp, did.

I'm playing it on a three-year-old computer with the settings turned down. It's quite playable, but I wish I could see it run on a real powerhouse.

My guild has built its keep and is now working on the extra stuff but I'm too new to really be of help. I love the idea of being in a big guild and working to defend our territory.

I hear there's lots of new stuff on its way. If you're a grey ganker they're going to punish you by making it easier for others to hunt you down.

I am enjoying this grinding, and liked the theatrical ending to the "slave" phase, but I really am looking forward to the turf wars part of the game.

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uriel1972 Donating Member (343 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-18-08 09:08 AM
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1. casually
I have a 36 necro and a 20 DT on gwhalur(?)I wish I could focus more time on it, but you know, things happen.
I have to admit I am enjoying it much more than the game which must not be named (starts with a W):evilgrin:
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