Mods - If it is inappropriate for me to review a magazine, please lock or delete and I'll never do it again... well, I'll probably never do it again anyway, heh.
OK, it has been a LONG time since I've bought a gaming mag, with the internet they are pretty much useless by default. The last mag I had a subscription to was GameFan - A freakin great mag that always had the best pics and reviews I almost always agreed with. Plus the best quote in a review I've ever seen. heh, it was for Tempest 2000 and was something to the effect of - This game will put permanent butt marks in your couch - hahahaha, it still makes me laugh :D
Anyway. Tonight I decided to stop at a W.G. Grinders and grab a sub and being alone, I decided to stop at the CVS next door and get something to read. Man... CVS has a crappy mag section. I was deciding between the U.S. News and World Report special edition with facts about the presidents and something else (yeah, I've already started drinking and I forget what) that had an in depth interview with Michelle Obama when I saw the PC Gamer.
At first, I was kind of annoyed that they only had the "CD included" version of the mag and I really would have preferred to pay a few bucks less but... whatever. I got the mag, went and got my grinder (mmmm, pulled pork with cheddar and coleslaw... sweeet!) and started the mag.
The first article I want to read is a hands on preview of Starcraft II. Man... I love Starcraft and really trust Blizzard to put out a high quality game, so I'm looking forward to this. It starts out describing a match between the author, Tim Edwards and someone else (unnamed) against some people from a German magazine (also unnamed, not people or mag) and... their getting their asses kicked! It then goes on to talk about the original... popularity in Korea... oh... several pages later, no real information (that was not known a month and a half ago) annnnnnnnnd... They f'ing quit before getting defeated! F'ing douchebags like this are a part of the reason online playing sucks. Your either being schooled by some "leet speaking" (whatever it is) 13 year old and taking your lumps or near the end of the fair game, they drop so you do not get the victory. AND THEY ADMIT THEY DO THIS! Assholes.
Damn I'm pissed at this mag now... should have got the Obama interview.
What else we got in here... ahhh, a retro review of the original Xcom. Sweet, a godly game (hint, the least annoying thing here will be that it is available over Steam for $5). OK, Dan... whoever that is, first tells us that he is the only editor (? the mag apparently has 4 editors, Dan, Logan, Josh and Evan) at PC Gamer that has played the game... ever... WTF? OK, I am 46 but... WTF? They all go on to complain how hard the game is... but see why people liked it, its depth and strategy hold up even today they all admit but... it is too hard... WTF? I'm still supposed to take these guys word on games? Sorry but no way.
Is there anything worthwhile in here... lets see... There is a small picture of two woman from Sims 3 kissing but... I would have been better off with the mag that had the Obama interview, I bet it had much more, much bigger pictures of a real woman that is really HOT! heh, is it wrong to lust after the First Lady :evilgrin:
Bottom line, Joe says skip mags unless you do not have wireless... Hey, gotta have something to read on the throne :D